Tuesday, August 04, 2009

SusExp 2009 Day 0: Barra Preparation day

On the list of things to do today were:

1) type up the St Kilda trip report from hand written notes;
2) find and pack all my kayaking kit;
3) fix the solar panel back on to the boat and check all the electrics work;
4) work out what’s wrong with the website and how to fix it;
5) pick some fruit and vegetables.

So I got started. First things first…a cup of coffee. Then the tasks began. I can be quite work averse at times, so usually do the easiest things first unless something’s a higher priority. So I sat with my laptop writing up the notes from St Kilda – it was nice being reminded of the feelings and experiences of the last kayaking trip a few months ago. After some nice soup me and my dad got started on the solar panel fixing, and minor boat modifications. A bit of rewiring here, a bit of drilling there, and some sawing thrown in for good measure, my boat was ready to be charged with sun power once again – see Sea Kayak LORAH page for a description of the set up for the solar photovoltaic panel, plus a nice modification to the deck lines with some old hosing to make better handles. Got finished at 6.30pm and had a drink outside in the sun and a roast chicken dinner. Now all I had to do was find kayaking gear and fix the website – oh joy!

To cut a long story short, I stayed up till 2am then got up at 5.30am the next morning to try to sort the website. Thankfully, by the time I got on the ferry the next morning I was satisfied with how the website was looking and my efforts weren’t in vain!

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